Enjoy Auburn All Year Long

3rd Thursday Cruise-In
Date: May 15, June 19, July 17, Aug. 21, and Sept. 18, for 2025
Time: 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Location: Downtown Auburn, around Courthouse Square
Cost: Free for cars and spectators
Join us downtown for cruise-in fun through the summer months. Contact the ACD Festival office (260-925-3600) or www.acdfestival.org for more information.
- Vehicle registration is not required.
- All cars must enter at the corner of Cedar and 7th Street.
- Gates open at 5:00 PM; no early entry permitted. (Cars entering prior to the event start may be ticketed.)
- Spots available on a first come, first served basis.
- Trailers, solicitation, vending, promotions and commercial vehicles are strictly prohibited without permission of the ACD Festival.
**For the safety of all attendees, do not drive around barricades.**
93rd Annual DeKalb County Free Fall Fair
Date/Time: September 23 to September 28, 2024
Location: Downtown Auburn and DeKalb County Fairgrounds
Cost: Events are free
Enjoy carnival rides, foods, games, national and local entertainment, 4-H and livestock shows, parades and tractor pulls, not to mention Indiana’s largest merchant tent. For more information, visit dekalbcountyfair.org.
First Fridays presented by Auburn Main Street
Date/Time: The First Friday of each month all year long
Location: Downtown Auburn
Join us in downtown Auburn on the First Friday of each month for extended shopping hours, family friendly fun and unique experiences. Each month will have a unique theme and great fun! Plus, join us at Jeremiah’s for an adults only afterhours event that is sure to impress.
Girls’ Night Out presented by the Downtown Auburn Business Association (DABA)
Date/Time: One Thursday each month, year round
Location: Downtown Auburn
An exclusive late-night look at local shops, boutiques, businesses and eateries in downtown Auburn. Visit www.auburnmainstreet.org/events for the monthly calendar of events.
DeKalb Outdoor Theater
Date/Time: May-September
Location: Center Street, just south of 15th Street
Hosting cultural, educational and entertainment activities all summer long! Check out dekalboutdoortheater.org for a full schedule of events.
DABA Annual Art Display presented by Downtown Auburn Business Association
Date: June through September
Location: Downtown Auburn Business District
Each year local artists share their talents and support downtown Auburn. DABA works each year to create an outdoor art display that is unique and whimsical, featuring local artists who share their talents while supporting downtown Auburn. Visit daba4auburn.org for more information.
Downtown Auburn Farmers’ Market
Date/Time: May-October each year; Wednesdays and Saturdays, 7 AM- 1 PM.
Location: Downtown Auburn
Visit www.daba4auburn.org for more information, including for being a vendor.
Christmas Parade presented by Downtown Auburn Business Association (DABA)
Date: Tuesday before Thanksgiving
Location: Courthouse Square
Enter a float, dance group, horse drawn wagon/sleigh, car, choir, band, civic organization, church group, school group, etc. (No Santas or Mrs. Claus’, please.) Use lights and make your entry shine! For more information, visit daba4auburn.org.
We Love Auburn! Yarn Bombing Fun presented by Auburn Main Street
Date: February and March
Location: Downtown Auburn
Crochet, knit, arm knit or think beyond the needle.Help us keep Auburn cozy this winter! Knit now and wrap up Auburn starting February 1st. Visit www.auburnmainstreet.org to join the fun!