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ACD Festival (Aug 28-30, 2025)

Pre-Festival events starting Aug 23rd.
The World's Greatest Classic Car Show and Festival. Held every year the week before Labor Day.

ACD Festival 2024 Wine Now Available

Purchase at Country Heritage Winery and online with shipping available!

Estate Grown Fruit

Dry red blend that embodies the darling and sophistication of the ACD models. A portion of every bottle goes to support the ACD Festival

3rd Thursday Cruise-In

Date/Time: 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM on May 15, June 19, July 17, Aug. 21 and Sept. 18 for 2025
Location: Downtown Auburn
Cost: Free

Welcome to the ACD Festival!

ACD Festival

Come celebrate the automobile legacy of the Auburn Automobile Company. Auburn Indiana, where the automobile and art converge. Events for the entire family await!

The Auburn Cord Duesenberg Festival, Inc. is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to celebrate and promote automobile heritage. The ACD Festival serves this mission by producing events that bring together automobile enthusiasts from all over the world for the celebration. The funding efforts of The Festival help to support the long term stability and growth of The Festival, as well as the automobile related museums of northeast Indiana, including the Auburn Cord Duesenberg Automobile Museum, The National Automotive and Truck Museum (NATM), and Early Ford V-8 Foundation Museum.

While the festival actively pursues these endeavors year-round, Labor Day weekend is at the heart of the celebration. In 2025, we will celebrate the 69th annual Auburn Cord Duesenberg Festival. The Auburn Cord Duesenberg Festival has a dedicated Board of Directors and executive director; all based in Northeast Indiana with a strong commitment to the region and the festival.